What is “Empowered” Healing?

I believe that it is key to feel empowered about the state of your own health and well-being in order to experience true, deep healing of body and soul. I also believe that each of us exists on this Earth to live our full potential. When we are surrounded by sickness and limitations, how can … [Read more…]

Want to be truly healthy? Here’s how!

Choose health and freedom through homeopathy!   LIVE LIFE WITH FEWER LIMITS Homeopathy can improve your health and decrease symptoms anywhere in the body. Some of the most common problems that homeopaths work with are: Anxiety Depression Negative stress patterns and cognitive/behavioral patterns Chronic fatigue Chronic pain/ fibromyalgia Appetite and nutritional assimilation Sleep problems Panic … [Read more…]

I’m so dizzy, my head is Pinning…

Hey all! I have a new Pinterest account for M*Powered Homeopathy! To explore, click on the “P” under the “Let’s Socialize” section in the right hand column, click the first link below, or do a good old fashioned search  for “M*Powered Homeopathy” on Pinterest. What will you find there? Graphics explaining homeopathy and other healing … [Read more…]